Digital Design and Computer Architecture - Lecture 10a: Instruction Set Architecture

This post is a derivative of Digital Design and Computer Architecture Lecture by Prof. Onur Mutlu, used under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

You can watch this lecture on Youtube and see pdf.

I write this summary for personal learning purposes.


Agenda for Today & Next Few Lectures

  • LC-3 and MIPS Instruction Set Architectures
  • LC-3 and MIPS assembly and programming
  • Introduction to microarchitecture and single-cycle microarchitecture
  • Multi-cycle microarchitecture

Required Readings

  • Von Neumann Model, LC-3, and MIPS
    • P&P, Chapters 4, 5
    • H&H, Chapter 6
    • P&P, Appendices A and C (ISA and microarchitecture of LC-3)
    • H&H, Appendix B (MIPS instructions)
  • Programming
    • P&P, Chapter 6
    • Recommended: H&H Chapter 5, especially 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5

Recall: The Instruction Cycle


Instruction Set Architecture

The ISA is the interface between what the software commands and what the hardware carries out.

The ISA specifies

  • The memory organization

    • Address space (LC-3: 2^16, MIPS: 2^32)
    • Addressability (LC-3: 16 bits, MIPS: 32 bits)
    • Word- or Byte-addressable
  • The register set

    • R0 to R7 in LC-3
    • 32 registers in MIPS
  • The instruction set

    • Opcodes

    • Data types

      • An ISA supports one or several data types

      • LC-3 only supports 2’s complement integers

        • Negative of a 2’s complement binary value X = NOT(X) + 1
      • MIPS supports

        • 2’s complement integers
        • Unsigned integers
        • Floating point
      • Tradeoffs

        • Think compiler/programmer vs. microarchitect

        • Concept of semantic gap

          • Data types coupled tightly to the semantic level, or complexity

            of instructions

    • Addressing modes

      • An addressing mode is a mechanism for specifying where an operand is located

Operate Instructions

In LC-3, there are three operate instructions

  • NOT is a unary operation (one source operand)
    • It executes bitwise NOT
  • ADD and AND are binary operations (two source operands)
    • ADD is 2’s complement addition
    • AND is bitwise SR1 & SR2

In MIPS, there are many more

  • Most of R-type instructions (they are binary operations)
    • E.g., add, and, nor, xor…
  • I-type versions (i.e., with one immediate operand) of the R-type operate instruction
  • F-type operations, i.e., floating-point operations

Data Movement Instructions and Addressing Modes

In LC-3, there are seven data movement instructions


  • Format of load and store instructions

    • Opcode (bits [15:12])

    • DR or SR (bits [11:9])

    • Address generation bits (bits [8:0])

    • Four ways to interpret bits, called addressing modes

      • PC-Relative Mode (LD and ST)
      • Indirect Mode (LDI and STI)
      • Base+offset Mode (LDR and STR)
      • Immediate Mode (LEA)

In MIPS, there are only Base+offset and immediate modes for load and store instructions.

Control Flow Instructions

  • Allow a program to execute out of sequence
  • Conditional branches and jumps
    • Conditional branches are used to make decisions (E.g., if-else statement)
    • In LC-3, three condition codes are used
    • Jumps are used to implement
      • Loops
      • Function calls
    • JMP in LC-3 and j in MIPS

Condition Codes in LC-3

Each time one GPR (R0-R7) is written, three single-bit registers are updated. Each of these condition codes are either set (set to 1) or cleared (set to 0).

  • If the written value is negative, N is set, Z and P are cleared.
  • If the written value is zero, Z is set, N and P are cleared.
  • If the written value is positive, P is set, N and Z are cleared.

Lecture Summary

  • Instruction Set Architectures: LC-3 and MIPS
    • Operate instructions
    • Data movement instructions
    • Control instructions
  • Instruction formats
  • Addressing modes

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